Age Group
Game Length
Key Rules/Details
Ages 11 & 12
Field 5 & 6
Field 1 for Under the lights.
6 innings
Player Pitching, regulation rules
Standard Little League rules. Min. 4 innings per player. No offensive substitutes.
Ages 9 & 10
Player pitching with walk limits; adult pitcher after 4-ball count
4 outfielders. Min. 4 innings per player. Stealing allowed. Great for developing skills.
Ages 7 & 8
Field 6 & 7
4-5 innings
Coach pitch and machine pitch
Standard infield, rest in outfield. Focus on learning fundamentals. Ideal for beginners to intermediate players.
Ages 5 & 6
Field 4
3 innings
Tee hitting after 6 pitches
Introduction to softball. 6-8 players per team, all girls play infield and bat.
Tee Ball
Ages 4 & 5
Field 3
Tee hitting
All players bat and run the bases each inning; Great for learning the basics and having fun.
P.O. Box 26203Collegeville, Pennsylvania 19426